Sean Gunn y Michael Rooker defienden a James Gunn tras su despido: "Trabajar en esas películas le hizo mejor persona"

Sean y James Gunn
Actualizado: domingo, 22 julio 2018 11:36

MADRID, 22 Jul. (CulturaOcio) -

El despido de James Gunn está generando controversia dentro del mundo de la cultura estadounidense. Después de las críticas de Dave Bautista por la decisión de Disney, Sean Gunn, hermano del cineasta, y Michael Roooker, quien da vida a Yondu, han querido dedicarle unas palabras al director de Guardianes de la galaxia.

Gunn, quien interpreta a Kraglin en el Universo Cinematográfico Marvel, ha publicado en su cuenta personal de Instagram una foto con su hermano, donde ha explicado cómo se siente actualmente mandando un mensaje de apoyo al cineasta.

"No hace falta decir que amo y apoyo a mi hermano James y estoy orgulloso de lo amable, generoso y compasivo que es con todas las personas en su vida", ha dicho Gunn. Además, el actor ha admitido que su hermano "deseaba ser artista" y "encontrar su voz" desde que "era pequeño" pero que "la lucha por encontrar esa voz a veces era torpe, equivocada o estúpida".

Sean Gunn cree que su hermano se ha dado cuenta de que sus ofensivas bromas no servían para nada, pasando de "preocuparse por suavizar" su humor "para llegar a un público más amplio" a darse cuenta de que este tipo de bromas "no eran una herramienta tan útil como pensaba".

Además, el actor asegura que James Gunn ha aprendido a canalizar "toda esa voz en su trabajo" en Guardianes de la galaxia, reflejando su evolución como persona en el "cambio que sufren los guardianes". De esta forma, el intérprete revela que ha escuchado a su hermano "decir muchas veces que cuando Quill se une al equipo" da "la charla que él mismo necesitaba escuchar". Por tanto, cree que "trabajar en esas películas le hizo mejor persona".

It goes without saying that I love and support my brother James and I’m quite proud of how kind, generous, and compassionate he is with all the people in his life. Since he was a kid, it was clear he had a desire (maybe destiny) to be an artist, tell stories, find his voice through comics, films, his band. The struggle to find that voice was sometimes clunky, misguided, or downright stupid, and sometimes wonderful, moving, and hilarious. Since devoting his entire life to the Guardians movies and MCU six years ago, I’ve seen him channel that voice into his work and seen him transform from the guy who made up things to shock people. I saw firsthand as he went from worrying about “softening his edge” for a larger audience to realizing that this “edge” wasn’t as useful of a tool as he thought it was. That his gift for storytelling was something better. I saw that he was more open-hearted than the guy who thought he needed to get a rise out of people by making nasty or offensive jokes (or whatever you choose to call them—I don’t think his bluer material was ever his funniest and neither does Mom). And the best part is, this change in my brother was reflected in the change that the Guardians go through. I’ve heard my brother say many times that when Quill rallies the team with “this is our chance to give a shit”—to care—that it’s the pep talk he himself needed to hear. It’s part of what made working on the Guardians movies such a rewarding experience for the cast. We managed to find ourselves involved in a big-budget superhero movie that was, at its core, deeply personal. That’s a gift. And that’s why it’s good. This isn’t new information, by the way. It’s all stuff that James has explained many times in interviews, in more detail and more eloquently. It’s not some new spin. It’s always been part of this story. So I guess my hope is that fans continue to watch and appreciate the Guardians movies, not despite the fact that the filmmaker used to be kind of a jackass, but because of it. They are, after all, movies about discovering your best self. Working on those movies made my brother a better person, and they made me one too. I’ll always be proud of that. Peace.

Una publicación compartida de Sean Gunn (@thejudgegunn) el

Pero Sean Gunn no ha sido el único que ha querido dedicarle unas palabras al cineasta, Michael Rooker también ha mandado un escueto mensaje de apoyo al director a través de sus redes sociales diciendo que "James Gunn lo sabe. Eso es lo único que importa"

Por lo pronto, Disney tendrá que buscar un nuevo director para Guardianes de la galaxia 3, filme que llegará a la gran pantalla en 2020 y cuyo rodaje está programado para empezar después del verano.